Speakers' biographies - Seminar 1

Please view the biographies of presenting speakers for the 2018 Academy Seminars by clicking on the name of the presenter.


Torsten Hoppe-Tichy

Affiliation: Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
Country: Germany
Conflict of interest: None

Lene Juel Kjeldsen

Affiliation: Amgros I/S
Country: Denmark
Conflict of interest: None

Helena Jenzer

Affiliation: Bern University of Applied Sciences / Psychiatric University Clinic Zürich
Country: Switzerland
Conflict of interest: None

Nenad Miljković

Affiliation: Institute of Orthopaedic Surgery "Banjica'
Country: Serbia
Conflict of interest: None

Tomasz Bochenek

Affiliation: Medical College of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Country: Poland
Conflict of interest: Dr Tomasz Bochenek received speakers' fee and/or honoraria from Amgen

Stefan Groesser

Affiliation: Bern University of Applied Science 
Country: Switzerland
Conflict of interest: None

Despoina Makridaki

Affiliation: Sismanoglio - Amalia Fleming General Hospital of Attica
Country: Greece
Conflict of interest: None


 * Indicates speaker or SC member has stated a conflict of interest.

Last update: 5 July 2018