Harald H. Sitte
1. Current Status, Position
Prof Dr Harald H. Sitte is a group leader at the Centre for Physiology and Pharmacology and head of the Center for Addiction Research and Science, Medical University of Vienna.
2. Education
2009 - 2010 Board certification as Specialist in Pharmacology and Toxicology 2016/07 European Certified Pharmacologist (EuCP)
2001 - 2012 Postdoctoral lecture qualification ("Habilitation") in pharmacology and toxicology
1995 - 2005 Graduation as Dr. med. univ. at the University of Vienna
1993 - 1994 Thesis: “Sustained dopamine release induced by secretoneurin in the striatum of the rat. A microdialysis study.”, Institute of Pharmacology, University of Vienna, supervisor: Prof. Dr. E.A. Singer
1993 Licensing examination: hotel and restaurant industry, Innsbruck, Austria
1993 - 1995 Medical faculty of the University of Vienna, Austria
1986 - 1993 Medical faculty of the University of Innsbruck, Austria
3. Research Area
His research is focused on pharmacology of psychostimulants and new psychoactive substances, neurotransmission, Neurotransmitter transporters Protein expression, protein purification and reconsitution, postranslational modification and beyond.
4. Conflict of interest: none