Hazardous Medicinal Products (Closed)
Hospital pharmacists and members of the multidisciplinary team – such as nurses, pharmacy technicians and others – are dealing with hazardous medicinal products in their daily work. Their safe handling is of uttermost importance for the safety of healthcare workers and patients treated with these medicines. Their classification plays an essential role in determining suitable handling procedures. However, unlike the United States, Europe does not have one single body similar to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) that addresses all questions linked to the classification of hazardous medicinal products.
To better understand the classification landscape for hazardous medicinal products in Europe, the SIG on Hazardous Medicinal Products (financially supported by Amgen) carried out an investigation, examining national strategies and requirements across Europe for the management of hazardous medicines, identifying best practices, promoting better sharing and implementation of these practices between countries and stimulating heightened awareness by governments and EU regulators of the critical impacts that hazardous medicinal products may have in relation to healthcare workers' and individuals' health and safety, and the accompanying need for urgent action on the topic.
Findings of EAHP's SIG on Hazardous Medicinal Products
The SIG on Hazardous Medicinal Products concluded its work in February 2022.
A report summarising the findings of the SIG was published in March 2022. It showcases information collected by the SIG on the classification of hazardous medicinal products and their handling in Europe through desk research, horizon scanning activities as well as surveys of hospital pharmacists' views at individual and national levels. This work was complemented by the knowledge and experience of the SIG members and led to the creation of a European definition for the term 'hazardous medicinal product' and recommendations to improve their classification and handling.
Read the report of EAHP's SIG on Hazardous Medicinal Products HERE
The SIG has also prepared a guide document for hospital pharmacy associations. It touches on the classification of hazardous medicinal products.
Read the Classification of Hazardous Medicinal Products – Improving Handling Requirements Across Europe: A Guide For Hospital Pharmacy Associations HERE