European Association of Pharmacy Technicians (EAPT) |
EAPT aims to strengthen the recognition of its members as representatives of pharmacy technicians across Europe and build awareness of policy initiatives in member countries and protect the pharmacy technician role.
European Pharmaceutical Students Association (EPSA) |
It is the goal of EPSA to represent, reach and engage every single pharmaceutical student in Europe to collaborate on the development of the future of pharmacy and healthcare together.
European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) |
The European Public Health Alliance represents over 80 members in 30 countries, including public health NGOs, patient and disease groups and health professionals, reflecting and bringing together different aspects of the public health community in Europe.
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) |
ESMO aims to improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, supportive and palliative care, as well as the follow-up of patients with malignant diseases, the art, science, recognition, and practice of oncology. Also, the society aims to ensure a high standard of qualification of medical oncologists within the multidisciplinary team and promote equal access to optimal cancer care for all cancer patients.
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESCIM) |
ESCIM supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development and foster research and education.
European Society of Oncology Pharmacists (ESOP) |
ESOP seeks to develop and promote clinical and oncology pharmacy practice through education and training, safe handling and administration of drugs, quality management, research and development and pharmaceutical care.
European Specialist Nursing Organisations (ESNO) |
ESNO promotes the recognition of and the professional status of the specialist nurse at the European level.
European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) |
UEMS aims to build greater strength through mutual cooperation and speaking with 'one voice' in the international representation of medical specialists and to promote free movement through the harmonization of the highest level of specialist training and medical care.
Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) |
The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union represents the community pharmacy perspective in relation to legislative and policy initiatives at EU level which affect our profession and/or public health. PGEU's members are the national associations and professional bodies of community pharmacists in 31 European countries including EU Member States, EU candidate countries and EEA/EFTA countries. PGEU's Ordinary Members are associations from EU Member States, while PGEU's Observer Members are organisations from non-EU European countries.
The European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP) |
The EAFP's purpose is to facilitate collaboration between university-Ievel schools of pharmacy as well as exchanges for both students and faculty members; to support member faculties in their efforts to develop resources, effective methods of learning and teaching, balanced curricula and quality assurance of education by advice concerning internal and external evaluation and accreditation; to develop harmonized European quality standards for the structure and outcomes of pharmacy education; to promote joint research projects between scientists in academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry; to facilitate the establishment of a common European Area of Higher Pharmacy Education and Research, to maintain cohesion of its members by organizing regular meetings at European level and by publishing newsletters and to cooperate with other national or international organizations in relevant fields.
The European Federation of Nurses (EFN) |
The EFN was established in 1971 to represent the nursing profession and its interests to the European institutions, based on the nursing education and free movement Directives being drafted by the European Commission. Representing more than one million nurses over 36 National Nurses Associations at European level.
The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) |
The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation actively monitors EU policies and legislations likely to have an impact on the operation of hospitals and healthcare services and provides input and the perspective of healthcare providers in arenas where these issues are debated.
The European Society of Clinical Phamarcy (ESCP) |
The European Society of Clinical Phamarcy promotes, supports, implements and advances education, practice and research in clinical pharmacy in order to optimize outcomes for patients and society. Specifically, it promotes the value and impact of clinical pharmacy services among health care professionals, scientific societies, health authorities and the public, raises awareness of clinical pharmacy practice and its activities across Europe and internationally (e.g. through publications), promotoes a philosophy of practice in which clinical pharmacists are members of a multidisciplinary team of patient-centred health care providers and it supports R&D in clinical pharmacy.
The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) |
The Standing Committee of European Doctors represents national medical associations across Europe in contributing the medical profession’s point of view to EU institutions and European policy-making through pro-active cooperation on a wide range of health and healthcare related issues.